Safety, Health and Wellbeing

We are determined to achieve and maintain workplaces that are free from injury or incident.

Our Commitment to People

We are all guided by our Global Safety Philosophy, ‘C.A.R.E’ which is the foundation of Simplot’s safety culture, bringing all employees around the world under one safety value system.

C.A.R.E. is a comprehensive and evolving framework for the continual, proactive improvement of safety and security throughout the company and the communities it serves.

We created C.A.R.E. around a central set of principles:

Commit — Make the commitment to safety through demonstrated actions.

Assess — Both physical workplace conditions and behaviours.

Recognize — To establish a positive safety culture.

Encourage — Safe behaviours through positive feedback and correct unsafe behaviours.

The philosophy reflects our company’s commitment to supporting and promoting continuous improvement of safety processes, individual accountability and performance.

Headshot of Catherine Anderson
“Safety is always our first priority. Leading with a safety mindset and caring for the health and wellbeing of each other helps to ensure we all go home safe every day.”
Catherine Anderson
Head of Safety, Health & Wellbeing

Other Sustainability Priorities


We are committed to protecting our environment through responsible management of natural resources.


Our business practices, products and services help bring economic value that sustains our agricultural communities and lands.

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