Responsible Sourcing

We hold ourselves to robust sustainability principles and social and environmental standards and we expect our suppliers and sub-tier suppliers to do the same when conducting business with us.
We are committed to implementing responsible sourcing in our supply chain and we are working to ensure the raw and packaging materials and the services we source from our suppliers adhere to our standards.
Working With Our Suppliers

Social, environmental and ethical issues matter to Simplot and we are committed to ensuring that our suppliers adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in their countries of operation. This includes international standards such as the United Nations Global Compact, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

We have also formalised our ethical and responsible sourcing programme in our Partner Code of Conduct. This code sets out the principles and social and environmental standards we expect our suppliers and sub-tier suppliers to adhere to when conducting business with us. We require all new suppliers to formally commit to meet the minimum requirements set out in our Code.

In addition, to address the risk of modern slavery, we have developed our Modern Slavery Program, which governs how we identify, classify and manage our modern slavery risks for our suppliers and our own manufacturing sites. The Program aims to work collaboratively with our suppliers and partners to prevent modern slavery.

Simplot Australia’s 2022/2023 Modern Slavery Statement, which is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018, outlines the actions that we have taken in the 2022/2023 reporting period to mitigate the risks of Modern Slavery in our supply chain and operations.


Working With Our Growers
Simplot is committed to supporting the long-term viability of our farmers. Each year we source more than 450,000 tonnes of potatoes and vegetables from Australian growers which means we play an important role in delivering locally grown produce to Australian consumers. Our agricultural services team works collaboratively with our growers enhance agricultural practices and capabilities.
Working With Our Customers
Our products reach consumers through a network of customers. These include large retailers, quick service restaurants, wholesalers and distributors. Many of our customers have developed sustainability strategies that include ambitious targets in areas such as energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and sustainable seafood. We see this as an opportunity to share our own expertise and explore opportunities for joint initiatives. We are also engaging with retailers by sharing our knowledge of more sustainable agriculture practices and the lifecycle impacts of our products.

Sourcing Seafood Responsibly

We have developed a Responsible Seafood Sourcing Program supported by an advanced Policy and framework, that reinforces our commitment to building a better future for our oceans.

As one of Australia’s largest seafood suppliers, we have an important role to play in actively contributing to ensuring resources are respected and used wisely so that fish stocks continue to be healthy, productive, and resilient. Our Policy and Program have been developed in collaboration with leaders in sustainable fishing, including MRAG Asia Pacific, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and WWF Australia. Learn more about our partners have to say about our approach.

Our Policy and Programs Focus on

  • Continuous improvement
  • Preferentially sourcing seafood from credible, independently certified programs
  • Removing products from our supply chains that do not align with our responsible sourcing values
  • Actively encouraging change in supply chains where there is currently limited demand for and thus supply of responsibly sourced seafood

We recognise that fisheries and farms are dynamic, the environment that surrounds them is ever-changing and that science evolves. For this reason, we will regularly review our Policy and Program to ensure we are adhering to our values and giving our customers and consumers the confidence that we offer responsible seafood solutions.

We are committed to keeping our oceans and fish stocks healthy so we can contribute to feeding the world for generations to come. Simplot Australia has partnerships with several non-government organisations. Through these partnerships we aim to further advance our sustainability efforts

Other Sustainability Priorities


Our passion for people starts with an unwavering commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our employees, customers and communities in which we work.


Our business practices, products and services help bring economic value that sustains our agricultural communities and lands.
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